PinnedWolvesI love these creatures. Found out just this morning that the Biden administration is planning to take away federal protections for these…Sep 14, 20241Sep 14, 20241
ShockMany must feel the stress of this past six weeks. For me it has led to three trips to ER and three to Urgent Care. I’m okay, but the…4d ago4d ago
Getting my sh** togetherIt’s never too late — right? I have been more depressed these last weeks than maybe in my entire life, and believe me I have had bad bouts…Jan 13Jan 13
OK, I lied.I’m still writing on Substack because…well, I’m not really sure…in any case I guess I can write here and there. My latest there is about…Jan 9Jan 9
Hard LessonsJust learned something else about the United States today. Listening to NPR revealed that most of our insurance companies are for profit…Dec 18, 2024Dec 18, 2024
Why I’m going back to MediumFor some reason I went down a rabbit hole and ended up on Substack…I have been trying for a while to get followers and to integrate into…Dec 17, 2024Dec 17, 2024
The Shadow that Haunts usWhat I see is that our country is carrying this shadow side. We do not want to face who we are and who we have been. We decry racism and…Dec 17, 2024Dec 17, 2024
The dissonance of current lifeOn the day of Thanksgiving I walked the dog down toward the little paths that wend their way through tall trees next to a stream. It is…Nov 30, 2024Nov 30, 2024
Supreme CourtWhat has been happening at the Supreme Court needs to be shouted to the rooftops…maybe if people see the horrifying repercussions of these…Jul 1, 2024Jul 1, 2024
ErinyesThe Erinyes are the three furies from Greek myth and they have a can of whoop-ass (snakes in the illustration) and are about to bring it…Apr 11, 2024Apr 11, 2024