Member-only story
Attention OB/GYN’s in Florida and Texas
Are you under the impression that if you don’t follow a law that you’ll be put in jail? that if you treat a woman who is carrying a non-viable fetus that you cannot help her, that you have to let the woman suffer until she gives birth? What is keeping you from getting together with other doctors in your state, to form a united front to combat the hell these women are suffering? How can you in good conscience behave like this? There is power in numbers. But there is no power if you bow down to laws that are cruel and unjust. Is this what our country has come to? That no one stands up to fight back? That men like DeSantis and Greg Abbott are allowed to dictate what a woman has to go through?
When I was young the people fought back, we stopped a war, we got laws passed to protect women, to protect people of color. Some of us went to jail. Now we have out-of-control governors who are acting like strongmen, taking away our civil rights, banning books and curriculum, saying that being gay is a disease and that LGBTQ shouldn’t exist.
It’s scary these days to be a doctor. I understand that you’re afraid you will lose your licenses. But it’s more scary to be a woman who doesn’t have the money to travel to another state to get the care she needs, and is forced to give birth to a baby who will die within twenty minutes. There has to be an exception for these…