Member-only story
Earth’s Wonder
We all worry, don’t we? About our planet, and all the assaults against her. Will she survive? I believe she will and wonder if this hasn’t all happened before. I have to say that stepping back to watch how humans behave and have behaved over the thousands of years they’ve existed, the species seems flawed. For some reason we cannot stop fighting. Is this due to the reptilian brain we all carry, the part of us that should have evolved but hasn’t? Or is it that we NEED something to fight against in order to be happy? Look at all the movies, the books, the heroic wars that are constantly rehashed and turned into epic stories of heroism and sacrifice. And invoking god in these wars is the most ridiculous part of it all. God is on our side so we will win. Are you kidding me? God could not possibly be that petty.
And lately, the head in the sand attitude regarding what we have done and continue to do to the planet where we live — our home — is outrageous. What other species soils it’s nest? When you really think about it, it is astounding how stupid we really are. And if you get down to the reasons, you realize the depth of that stupidity. Because it seems that it is all about money. Money that cannot be taken to the grave. So instead of cleaning up the mess we’ve made, we continue to make it worse, stripping our country of fresh water, clean air, and the wild places where animals live.
Riches also come from wars and the spoils of war, like oil, depleting what earth has so freely given. Earth had everything we needed for a full and abundant life, but the web has…