Member-only story
I am shocked and horrified by the Republican convention of lies, as I am sure many of you are. This shit-show has got to come to an end. It is unreal that a man in the highest position in the country can stand up in front of a group of unmasked followers and spew lie after lie and hate and nastiness and not be whisked away to a nut house or impeached. For one thing it is against the law to hold a convention on the grounds of the White House. For another, many of those who stood together listening and NOT wearing masks, are now sick with Covid19. What kind of a president doesn’t make sure his people are safe? The answer is this one. If you’ve been paying attention you will know that he has a plan to revamp social security, a plan that will eliminate it by 2023. He is also hoping to dismantle the last vestiges of the ACA. These people standing agog without masks will have no healthcare, no social security. Do they know this or have they drunk the FOX/Trump cool-aid? Turning the world upside down is what dictators do. They sow chaos and count on fear. It’s how Hitler got into power.
Who cares, you ask? Apparently no one who could do anything about it since the Republican senate follows him around licking his boots and panting like dogs. That’s the main problem. No one really gives a damn anymore. It’s too much chaos, too many lies and just too much craziness to keep track of it all. He’s virtually silenced the journalists, has fired those who don’t constantly praise…