We the people just voted Trump out. But what happened on January 6th is being shoved under the rug just like every other lie and crime, cruelty and despicable act Trump has committed in the last four and a half years. The Gop will not convict him. He will get away with inciting sedition and treason against our country, and the ones who still believe that the election for Biden was fraudulent will remain in the house and senate. This is the second time this man has been impeached. And just like the first time, it won’t matter what evidence is brought forth, because the GOP as a whole, doesn’t care. And if they don’t care we are doomed as a democracy and a country.
This would not have happened with another president. And that is the crux of the matter. This man is dangerous. He is powerful in a way that undermines everything we stand for. He threatens to hurt and ruin people just like a mafia boss. The Republican party has succumbed to conspiracy theories, touting lies that have been proven over and over again to be false. Truth is fiction and fiction is truth. The media is the enemy of the people. I can understand the followers who have bought into Trump’s rhetoric. He’s like a mini Hitler in the way he incites — a racist white supremacist. But the duly elected members of our congress have a responsibility to uphold our constitution, our elections, and our laws.