Member-only story
I’ve been thinking a lot about all the crazy things that are happening in our country right now. Do I need to list them? There isn’t an aspect of our lives that hasn’t been turned on its head in the last couple of years. And to watch the committee holding the insurrectionists accountable and hear the rhetoric spewed by the GOP was truly the last straw for me. Two Republicans are on that committee. Only two. And thank goodness for them. In past years it would have been an issue for both parties to deal with. TREASON. Trying to stop an election is against the law. People stormed our capitol in full view with the permission of the president — actually at his invitation. We have one party attempting(emphasis on attempting) to hold our republic together, and the other party saying it didn’t happen and that the dems are just trying to take attention away from what’s important, like gas prices. Hello. If we don’t have a democracy what’s the point?
Every single time I read an article about abortion rights, voting rights, climate change versus drilling for oil in places that are environmentally fragile, I want to scream. And don’t get me started on shootings, education, and LGBTQ rights. Instead of working toward the common good we are back pedaling as fast as we can. EX.: 1.Climate change is a myth perpetrated by the democratic party. 2. Dems are causing every single bad thing that’s happening.