The future of the U.S.
This photo is from women’s suffrage — how long ago? The supreme court ‘for now’ upheld Idaho’s near abortion ban — this in emergency rooms where a woman is more than likely fighting for her life. I don’t even know what to say. How many deaths will it take, or will death even be enough to stop this madness? A non-viable fetus? Nope. The possibility of death? Nope. Suits need to be brought — can you sue the supreme court? How dare these men decide these things????
We are going backward at an alarming rate. And women are the ones suffering the most — oh, and children being blown away by AR’s. You’d think since the repugs are so Gung ho on bringing every single baby, wanted or not, viable or not, into the world, that they’d at least think twice about this ridiculous second amendment shit. You can interpret till the cows come home but what was decided in the 1700’s does not fit in this world we inhabit now. And that goes for many things.
Why must we be stuck with this crap? Why can’t we call out these jerks for who they are? Why is there even the tiniest bit of support for these draconian laws? Christianity run amok? Fringe Evangelicals in the halls of congress…sicko’s who are a sliver of our population deciding for all of us. Mike Johnson is one of them — he might seem ‘nice’ but he is a very dangerous man. Several of the repug presidential candidates want a federal abortion…