Member-only story
The will of the American people
Remember when we used to care about others? It seems those days have passed us by. Now it’s the old adage once again — we need to lift ourselves up by our bootstraps. Good luck with that. It is a wild west attitude that should have been flushed a very long time ago.
This country is the richest in the world and we have 35 million people who are food insecure. Thirty-five million!!! And that is mostly children and the elderly. According to a friend, we just don’t have the will to address this. Apparently we don’t have the will to do much of anything that helps those who aren’t filthy rich. Our health care system is a disaster, immigration is a total mess with no end in sight, AK 15’s rule city streets with mass shootings every day. Homelessness is out of control. And all this with a democratic president. Why doesn’t Biden use executive order to put at least a bandaid on some of this — for instance the SNAP program that has expired? For many children that one meal is their only meal. How cruel can we really be? It seems there is no end to our cruelty.
As I mentioned in my last post, the French people stand up and speak out for every little thing their government does or does not address. The difference that I see is based on how they view life — they work to live instead of living to work. Where is our will to do the same? Have we all grown so self-centered that the…