Women for justice…

Nikki Broadwell
4 min readMar 22, 2022

I have sworn off politics. It’s why I haven’t written in a while, but feeling utterly powerless and depressed is not where I want to be. In the woods this morning I asked the trees as I always do, (Redwoods are extremely wise) what to do. And as I walked out of there I began to think about a group I could form — how? I have no idea since I am not an organizer. But…I have a good friend who is.

Here are the major things that are bothering me — maybe they bother you too?

  1. War in Ukraine. Not sure why I began with this one — maybe because it is so depressing and horrifying to see what this despot is doing to a democratic country. For the first time in my life I want us to DO something!
  2. Voting rights. They are being systematically taken away in several states. I know it can’t be possible but instead of pushback all I hear is how 17,000 people who signed up for their paper ballots have been denied — where? Texas, of course. Is anyone doing something about this? Or are we waiting until the midterms to raise a stink? I can see lawsuits coming, but by then it will be too late.
  3. Abortion rights and just plain healthcare for poorer women. Planned Parenthood provides cancer screening and everyday healthcare for those of us who can’t afford the increasing costs of healthcare. Will we get rid of this organization because part of their service…



Nikki Broadwell

In my real life I’m a fantasy/mystery author. What I’ve written so far on Medium have been political opinion pieces. But that is changing!